No one ever plans to drift through life, but life happens, and even the best laid out plans could stall. That’s no reason to give up on your dream or slog it out on your own. Let me help you fan the embers of your passion and bring alive your dreams, so you can make a significant impact in the world.


Ready to take the bull by the horn, and give it another go?


Ready to break free of limiting mindsets to make your mark?


Ready to embrace and achieve what you were born for?


Ready to lead yourself so you can lead others?


Ready to take your place, and impact the world?

Ready to invest in your future?

Choose Your Coaching Pathway

Decide how you want to start your coaching journey. Between one-to-one coaching sessions, a self-paced coaching course, or a combination of both the self-paced coaching course and one-to-one coaching.

Learn To Achieve Your Goals

There’s both an art and science to achieving your goals. Learning to set and meet your goals gives you momentum and encourages you to keep moving forward towards realising your envisioned future.

Live Your Life of Legacy

The famous Elvis Presley quote states, “You only pass through this life once, you don’t come back for an encore.” So, take the center stage and live out the purpose for which you were born!

Maintain Your Faith Through Life's Crisis

Life is a vapour! Uncertainties are inevitable, and we all need a solid grounding for when the ‘unplanned fors’ hit. Learning to anchor your hope and faith in the unshakeable word of God, even before the storm, is the only guarantee of stability through life’s crisis. Download Pocket Sword:10 Handy Scriptures To Boost Your Faith On The Go to help you cultivate peace, hope and courage to withstand life’s uncertainties.

Download My Free Resources


Success doesn’t just happen. You plan for it and pursue it purposefully. Achieve your goals with this weekly planner designed to help you prioritize your day.


Lethargy is a reality of life. With a few proven hacks however, you can beat the drag and get back in the game.

..Hello, my name is Bosede (pronounced /ˈbɔ:ˈsedeɪ/ or as my husband fondly says, “boss-said-ey” 😉) Santos, and it’s my pleasure to welcome you here.

My mission and passion is to help you overcome the limiting mindset preventing you from living out your purpose. I will help you clarify and achieve your purpose by using your passion and gifting to create the life you were born for; to understand who you are and what you have within you to live a successful and influential life in the world.

Inside each of us is a champion* awaiting discovery, definition, and deployment!

We all crave meaning and significance and for our lives to count for something, we need vision and the courage to live with purpose. 

I will provoke courage within you by helping you define your purpose and use your passion and gifting to make a difference in the world.

*a winner; a fighter or warrior.


 Arming you with practical and pithy Biblical principles, to help you focus and fasten your thoughts to abiding God-strategies for a successful life. 

Listen to my podcast to daily train your thoughts to dwell on God’s life-changing truths aimed at positioning you for maximum influence in the world. 





Rooting for your success.

Discover Your Full Potential. Hello to Your WINNING LIFE!

I heard in a movie that, “courage is fear that has said its prayers.” (Lead Astronaut Sarah Elliot, ‘The Space Between Us’). You have inside you the seed of championship awaiting cultivation. You have a vision; a desire or a dream you’re waiting to live out. Let me help you draw out the courage deep within you, and unleash the champion in you awaiting expression for impact in the world!

DREAM OF A BETTER FUTURE: Gain clarity on the endless possibilities for your envisioned future.

DARE TO TAKE THE LEAP: Draw on your inner courage to move forward for maximum impact in your world.


DISCOVER YOUR POTENTIAL: Unearth your capacity and resourcefulness; discover your true self.

DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS: Expand your ability to navigate life; work on and attain your set goals.

DELIVER ON YOUR GOALS: Go for Gold! Set SMARTER* goals towards your winning life.

*I have Michael Hyatt to thank for this.

 What Is Life Coaching?
Who Is Coaching For?

Life Coaching inspires visions of what could be and empowers you to move forward towards your desired future.

From a Christian perspective, Life Coaching empowers you to discover and intentionally live, with courage, your part in God’s overall agenda for His world.

Life Coaching is for those who desire a change from their current situation to discover and courageously live out their God-appointed winning life.

Expand Your Vision.

Vision leads the man. Where vision is lacking, people live drifting anywhere but where they really want to be. I will help you envision the endless possibilities leading to your winning future.

Build Your Confidence

Crucibles of opposition empower visions. In pursuing our dreams, we all face challenges. Confidence built through courageous steps enables us to move forward to realize those dreams. I will help you overcome the obstacles that threaten your progress.

Unlock Your Potential

You have more spunk and ingenuity than you know. Tucked deep inside each of us is a champion waiting to be set loose. I will help you discover and develop your capacity for a winning life.

Increase Your Skills.

The prospect of where you are going propels you forward. I will help you discover the tools you need to move towards your set goals or envisioned future.

Achieve Your Goals

The ability to set and achieve goals moves you towards achieving your winning life. I will help you set meaningful and achievable goals and remain committed and motivated to achieve them.


Hear what others have to say

Bosede has been speaking into my life for the past 2 1/2 years, and this summer offered her professional services to me. Her objectivity and insight into my situation has been a game changer. Working with Bosede has given  me tools to ‘battle’ and the courage to use them. I have learned a great deal from her God given wisdom, and I’m very thankful for our time together. I’ve been able to address things I needed to and close that chapter and move onto the next. I’m thrilled to see what’s next!

Talitha Friesen

AB Canada

Bosede’s coaching style is very relational and faith-filled. She has a wonderful presence in the moment with me and knows how to ask the right questions to help me explore incredible possibilities I didn’t know existed within myself and in my circumstances. She’s a Godsend and a huge blessing. I’m thankful to have her as a coach. I highly recommend her services! 

Jason C


I became acquainted with Bosede in a coaching class through the Professional Christian Coaching Institute. From the very first conversation, I sensed Bosede was a person who had a deep, personal relationship with the Lord. That conviction grew as I had opportunities to listen to her desire to honor God in all she does and her passion to empower others to live out their true identity in Christ. I also had opportunities to observe Bosede as a coach, and she personally coached me. She was a thoughtful listener. She asked thought-provoking questions while also creating a safe place to explore and process those questions. I highly recommend her as a coach.

Tami Lowman


Bosede is a passionate and inspirational life coach. Like an enlightened parent, she knows when to be nurturing and understanding and when to be firm and challenging. She strongly believes that God has extraordinary plans for every one of us. Her faith in God’s grace and in our abilities to achieve the impossible through Him is so deep and infectious that you feel empowered and encouraged to become the best version of yourself and reach your highest potential. She has been and still is a beacon of light, a precious guide and an infusion of strength and resilience in my moments of weakness and self-doubt. I highly recommend her as a Life coach. 

Manuela P


I’ve enjoyed my time working with Bosede as my coach. Bosede has a passion for excellence as evidenced in her pursuit of her continued education and training in the field of coaching. Through her coaching, I gained insight for the necessary actions to take. Her easy manner and faith make her coaching style approachable. She shows a sincere interest in her clients’ success, guiding them to the solutions that work best for them. She has mastered the art of very focused listening. I’m happy to recommend her as a coach.
Pamela W


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Launch Out Towards Your Winning Life Today!

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